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Stage 1- Facebook

Seperate Each Interest Level

It’s really important to separate each “interest” when creating the ad set. Don’t create one ad set lumping all interests together

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  • Don’t create one ad set lumping all interests together. For example, if you’re a motivational speaker, don’t put “happiness,” “depression,” “self-help,” “motivation,” “inspiring,” and the like in the same ad set. Create a separate ad for each of those interests. You should do so for two reasons:

  • First, lumping all the interests together doesn’t allow you to learn. If all the interests are listed in the same ad set, you won’t know which specific interest is driving the performance.

  • Second, separating interests allows you to maximize the reach of the creative. If you have ten interests and they’re all lumped into one, you can’t create multiple duplicates of the ad.

  • However, if you take the same piece of creative and build a separate ad for each of those ten interests, you’ll have ten ads that are running at $25/day, for a total of $250/day. Doing this allows you to further scale your daily budget without impacting your cost in the auction. Again, this is the strategy we use specifically for driving virality and follower growth. When we’re focused on driving transactions and sales, we pump more money into an ad set if it’s within our key performance indicator (KPI).

Launch at Midnight

I usually launch my ads at midnight because that gives the content a fresh 24 hours to be tested.

  • Sometimes the auctions are buggy, and launching ads later in the day makes Facebook try to fulfill the inventory too quickly, which won’t give you the most economical cost in the auction. So create the ad whenever you want, but schedule it to run at midnight.

  • You may be thinking, What about my audience? Aren’t they asleep then? The fact is, there are more than two billion people on the Facebook platform, so someone is always awake and using it. If on the off chance, no one views your ad, Facebook simply won’t serve your content until people actually sign on. You won’t be charged anything until someone views your ads.

  • I’ve never seen an ad increase performance—regardless of whether I’m using page like, video views, or website traffic objectives—by more than 30 percent after a few hours. That means that if you’re at 50 cents per page like, you’re not going to drop down all of a sudden to a penny or even 10 cents. You could drop from 50 cents to 30 cents, and that could be worth it. In my experience, if the creative isn’t resonating with the audience right away, it’s not going to happen.

  • My advice would be to turn off that ad and move forward with another. That said, when we focus on driving sales and revenue; and use the cost-per-lead, conversion, and lead-to-value objectives, we’ve seen success with letting an ad set or campaign run for a few days. When we do so, performance generally improves as Facebook searches for the right audience that is most likely to purchase your product or service.

  • You’ll never know what works best until you try it, so test everything yourself and see where you’re getting the best results. Analyzing the Metrics When I run page-like ads, my rule is that domestic should cost no more than 20 cents per page like (the lowest I’ve generated is 5 cents) and worldwide no more than 2 cents per page like (the lowest I’ve generated is $0.004). But that’s my personal standard and the level of performance I’m trying to achieve. I recommend setting your own threshold. Some people may not get that performance based upon their quality of content, and other people may do better. Test and see what works. Also, keep in mind



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